Business Co-Founder & Master Tech – Steven Powell
Steve is an AMIMI (Affiliate Member Institute of the Motor Industry) and CAE (Certified Automotive Engineer).
At the age of 16, young Steven set out with a vision to be a flight systems engineer in the Royal Air Force. Unfortunately due to his age at the time it wasn’t an option for him and it soon became clear that he needed to find work!
And there was the motor industry waiting for him with open arms!
He began at Ford where he fast tracked his apprenticeship and became a Master technician by the age of 23!
Steven then acquired a vast amount of qualifications and acknowledgements in his career in the motor trade. Working across a wide range of brands including Renault, Toyota and working as a mobile auto electrician mechanic for the RAC.
He even found time to squeeze in a few years of Uni and gained even MORE qualifications as a mechanical and an electrical engineer!
Steve joined Volkswagen at a similar time to Imty and they soon found that their passion and skills within the motor trade were something that they shared in common. This meant for a fantastic working partnership, and became really beneficial when there were difficult in-depth jobs that required the experience and skill of Steve, as well as the nimble, and able hands of Imty. This teamwork is something that we still thrive on today!
The partnership happened naturally and it continued to grow as they worked alongside one another at Volkswagen for many years. It was in that time they formulated a plan and a dream that one day they would have their very own Workshop specialising in what they were both skilled and fluent in… German Technology!
Favourite car driven: Aston Martin DBS!
Favourite car yet to drive: Aston Martin One-77